
The Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research (PPJBR) is a double-blind review journal listed at Cabell's List and ProQuest.
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Submission Guidelines

All papers should be submitted to Review of the papers will start immediately via a double-blind review process, and the authors will be informed the review results within two months.
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Conference Information

The PPBRC is a highly interactive business conference that provides the opportunity for participants to share their research in an interdisciplinary setting and to disseminate research findings with others in the academic and business community.
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About Institute for Academic Research

Welcome to Institute for Academic Research. Institute for Academic Research is a group of scholars and practitioners who share their research and ideas in an interdisciplinary setting and to disseminate research findings to others in the academic and business community. To promote this intellectual contribution, from a year of 2010, Institute for Academic Research hosts annual conference and issues a double blind review Journal. We are open to any feedback.


Our latest Journals

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Banks’ Compliance Practices with Disclosure Requirements for Mortgage Servicing Rights


The purpose of this study is (1) to provide an understanding of banks’ disclosure practices for mortgage servicing rights (MSRs) and (2) to examine whether banks’ disclosure compliance under Accounting Standards Codification No. 860 (ASC No. 860) is related to overall corporate governance...

Chatbot Commerce: Hype or Revolution?

Min Chung Han, Youjeong Kim

Are chatbots merely hype, or are they a revolution in technology driven marketing? There has been a lack of academic investigation into the question of consumers’ perspective on e-commerce via chatbots, despite several attempts by businesses to incorporate chatbots into their e-commerce platforms...

The Impact of Human Resource Differentiation on Corporate Strategic and Financial Performance

Lihua Zhang, Xiaoyu Huang, Cailing Feng, Patrick Flaherty

Human resource (HR) differentiation refers to the degree to which an organization uses differential human resource management (HRM) treatments on different individuals or groups of employees. This study hypothesizes and tests a causal model in which HR differentiation enhances the strategic performance of HRM that then positively affects a firm’s strategic and financial performance....

Characteristics of Directors Serving on Multiple Audit Committees

Meghna Singhvi, Vishal Munsif, Ankita Singhvi

In the wake of major accounting scandals of the early 2000s and the subsequent legislative requirements imposed by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (“SOX”), the role of the audit committee director in the financial reporting process is more important than ever...
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