All submitted papers are subject to a strict peer-review process by at least two external reviewers that are content experts in the area of the particular paper. 

  1. Upon receiving the manuscript, the editor in chief reviews the manuscript, and validates if the theme and quality of the paper are fit to be published in the journal. The manuscript may be rejected at this step.  
  2. After the initial screening by the editorial office, all submitted papers are sent to at least two external peer reviewers for assessment. 
  3. Double blind peer review process: 
    1. According to the content of the manuscript, at least two external reviewers in the relevant fields are determined.  
    2. Both authors and reviewers will remain anonymous during the review process.  
    3. The external reviewers critically review the manuscript on the basis of originality, analyses of data, interpretation of the results, and reliability of the study. 
    4. The reviewers submit a recommendation among four possible options: Accept, Minor Revision, Major Revision, or Reject.  
  4. The editor in chief makes a final decision based on the recommendations submitted by the reviewers. 
  5. The editor in chief contacts the author with the final decision and comments made by the reviewers. 
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